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Yes, the Supreme Court promotes democracy by protecting the Constitution. Nine justices make decisions based on Constitutional rights with democracy in mind.

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Q: Does the supreme court promote democracy in the US?
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The Supreme Court is NOT the president's overseer. There are checks and balances in place, but the three branches are independent.

What is the highest court in the US?

The US Supreme Court is the highest court in the US. Each state has its own Supreme Court, but the US Supreme Court is the end of the line.

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The US Supreme Court is the highest court in the US. Each state has its own Supreme Court, but the US Supreme Court is the end of the line.

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The US Supreme Court is the highest court in the US. Each state has its own Supreme Court, but the US Supreme Court is the end of the line.

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The Supreme Court is the highest court of the United States.

What is the highest court in the United states-?

The correct name is the Supreme Court of the United States, but most people refer to it as the US Supreme Court. Each state has its own Supreme Court, but the US Supreme Court is the end of the line.

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It appears the US Supreme Court is considered one of many "last bastion[s] of democracy." Other "last bastions" include the internet, the Executive branch, Congress, and so on. The lack of agreement tends to indicate the statement is more of a rhetorical device than a theory.

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(Supreme Court)

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The correct name is the Supreme Court of the United States, but most people refer to it as the US Supreme Court. Each state has its own Supreme Court, but the US Supreme Court is the end of the line.

Supreme court is the highest court of -------- in the US?

The US Supreme Court is the highest court of appeals in the US, but only for cases that fall under its jurisdiction.

Can a statement in the US supreme court can it not be shown in the court or does it have to be shown?

A statement in the US Supreme Court has to be shown in the court. It is told by the law.