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Q: Does the word republic appear in the constitution?
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What word does not appear in the constitution?

The fault everyone makes is that they think America is a democracy, when it is in fact a republic hence the word democracy does not appear in the constitution

How many time is the word democracy appear in the constitution?

Zero, the U.S is a Republic not a Democracy.

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Does the word democratic appear in the constitution?


Where in the Constitution does the word federalism appear?

The word Federalism does not appear even once in the Constitution. At the time, the founding fathers essentially created a unique type of government and so it is not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution.

How many times does God appear in the constitution?

The word itself does not appear in the constitution either as it was originally written or as it has been amended.

How many times does the word democracy appear in the you s constitution?

None. America is a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy. A Democracy ruled by the majority can be persuaded to take away freedoms and property. Under a Constitutional Republic, such power does not exist.

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Does the word equality appear in the original constitution?

No, it does not. At all. Not once!

How many times does the word democracy appear in the constitution?


Who was the author of the Republic of biak-na-bato?

The constitution of the Republic of Biak-na-Bato was written by Felix Ferrer and Isabelo Artacho. In doing so they copied the Cuban Constitution of Jimaguayú nearly word for word.