Each state has two US Senators. The number of state senators is determined by the state.
"Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress"
Each state has 2 senators in the US senate.
100, 2 for each state
26 - Two from each of the original 13 states
Each state is entitled to two US Senators.
two senators from each state
There are two senators from each state.
Each state has two senators
Every state is entitled to two U. S. Senators.
Each state has two US Senators. The number of state senators is determined by the state.
Each state has two senators.
No, there are not as many electors in each state as there are senators. The number of electors in each state is equal to the total number of representatives and senators that the state has in Congress. Each state has two senators, but the number of representatives varies based on the state's population.
There are two senators for each US state.
Each state elects 2 senators.
Each state has 2 senators each, regardless of population.
Each state has two Senators that serve in the United States Senate. However the State Legislatures also have Senates, and then number of Senators in each state legislature vary from state to state based on the state Constitution.