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Andrew Jackson was elected president over the incumbent President John Quincy Adams in 1828, Jackson won the popular vote 642,553 (56.0 %) to 500,.897(43.6) and won the electoral vote by 178 to 83. Jackson carried 15 states to Adams's 9.

The election of 1828 signaled a power shift in presidential politics. Jackson was the first US president from a state other than Mass. and VA and he was the first that was not a founding father or the son of a founding father. This was the first election in which the Western settlers played a major role in choosing the president. It also saw the beginnings of national political parties and showed how partisan newspapers can influence elections. The Democratic-Republicans Party evolved into the Democrats who supported Andrew Jackson, and the National Republicans supported John Quincy Adams.

There is a link to an article on the election below.

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10y ago

The elections of 1824 and 1828 were between John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson. In 1824 the House of Representatives was forced to choose a winner because no candidates got the majority of the electoral college.

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11y ago

Andrew Jackson won the popular vote with John Quincy Adams coming in second. There were four candidates who received electoral votes so nobody received the majority required to be elected. Therefore, as the Constitution mandates, the House had to elect the president from among the top three candidates who were Andrew Jackson (99), John Q. Adams ( 84) and William Crawford (41). Henry Clay (37) was dropped from consideration but still had influence with the congressman for the states he had carried.

After some serious wheeling and dealing, John Q. Adams was elected . Andrew Jackson's supporters screamed that Adams had stolen the election via a corrupt bargain in which Henry Clay got his supporters to vote for Adams in exchange for an appointment to Secretary of State.

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10y ago

Andrew Jackson and John Adams were the Presidential candidates of the 1828 Presidential election. Andrew Jackson won and became the 7th President of the US.

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14y ago

the election of 1808 was won by James Madison

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14y ago

Andrew Jackson, the 7th president , was elected in 1828, defeating the incumbent, John Quincy Adams.

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Andrew Jackson

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Andrew Jackson

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