was caused by the English civil was. sometimes referred to as "the glorious revoulution of 1688." forced king James II into exile.
Andrew Jackson won the election of 1828.In December 1828 Rachel Jackson died suddenly of a heart attack.She was 61 years old.On March 4,1829 Andrew Jackson became the 7th president of the United States.
The Democratic-Republican party
was caused by the English civil was. sometimes referred to as "the glorious revoulution of 1688." forced king James II into exile.
John Quincy Adams faced Andrew Jackson in the election of 1828.The Federalists and the Democrats.
John Quincy Adams faced Andrew Jackson in the election of 1828.The Federalists and the Democrats.
John Quincy Adams faced Andrew Jackson in the election of 1828.The Federalists and the Democrats.
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John Adams won the election of 1828
The voting requirements change that affected the 1828 election was the relaxation of the property qualification for voting. This lead to more people voting in this election, and led to Andrew Jackson's election to the presidency.
Three times as many people voted in the election of 1828 as has voted in 1824
Jonh Q. Adams