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their own language

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Q: European nations imposed their culture upon colonies was to promote the use of?
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Where did the french culture originate?

In France. European nations invented their own culture and then exported it to colonies.

Did the Mercantilist theories caused European nations to abandon their overseas colonies?

Mercantilist theories caused European nations to abandon their overseas colonies.

How did European nations view their colonies?

savage and dirty

Which cause of the freat war involved european nations competing for control of colonies?

The cause of the war involved European nations competing for control of colonies was boundary disputes.

The Dutch were able to establish exclusive trade ties with many non-European nations because?

they did not try to convert or change the culture of the native peoples in their colonies.

Most European nations have how many dominant cultures?

false Most European nations have one dominant culture.

Does Most European nations have a dominant culture?

whet ?

Do european nations have a dominant culture?

Most Europeans nations do have a dominant culture. The culture is based on the Greco-Roman structure of laws and society.

How may European nations had African colonies 1913?


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Did the mercantilism theories cause European nations to abandon their overseas colonies?

Mercantilism theories did not cause European nations to abandon their overseas colonies. Mercantilism, in fact, motivated colonial expansion and war.

What economic theory did European nations follow in their creation of colonies?
