Popular Sovereigntypopular sovereignty
Presidents generally considered to have been strong and effective leaders typically viewed the presidency as a stewardship. This sentiment was made popular by Theodore Roosevelt.
because no one candidate is certain to win the popular vote there
They told the people what they wanted to hear and played on their fears or emotions.
It lets states give up the popular selection of delegates.
Their system of government was based on twin kings who were heriditary war and religious leaders. The political leaders were elected by popular vote. Therefore they had popular support, which would not take kindly to efforts to overthrow them.
Leaders are selected by popular vote.
They became popular if they were the leaders of their herd.
popular vote
It is easy for popular leaders to rally people to revolt because they have already found favor in their followers eyes. These leaders simply need to tell the followers why they should revolt.
By direct popular vote.
The most popular guitar sound effects include the reverb, distortion, chorus, wah-wah and echo. Some of these effects can be used with a guitar effects pedal to enhance the music.
They are elected by popular senate/house vote
That their chosen leaders are freely elected by a popular majority.
-_______________- thats a book question ..
Popular sovereignty is the idea that a democratic form of government gets its power (sovereignty) from the people (hence the "popular" part). For a more in-depth explanation, click on the link that says Answers.com: Popular Sovereignty.