King Charles II was the first spanish king to send African slaves to the Americas.
king fought for African American people
Nobles belonged to families descended from the first Aztec king. Nobles owned slaves and many were government officials.
tyler wade is the king
Spanish Armada
At the end of World War One, Albert the First was the King of Belgium and Leon Delacroix was the Prime Minister
King Charles II
Jamestown the first settlement of the U.S. Named after King James.
the spanish come to the new world for: god , gold and glory. some just came to the new world to start over and because of this the aztec empire had fallen. The Aztec people had become slaves.
The Code of Hammurabi, written by the Babylonian king, mentions the treatment of slaves
The policy you are referring to is known as the encomienda system, where Spanish conquistadors were granted the right by the king to extract labor and tribute from indigenous peoples in the Americas.
There would still be slaves.
Charles V, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, who was also elected First King of Spain in 1516 with the name of Charles I King of Spain.
There is a "king" who is the king of everything which is known as god or jesus. There is no ordaniary man who ruled the world.
the Spanish words for king is 'rey"
King Ferdinand was the king during the Spanish Inquisition.
First of all, the civil war was not fought over slavery. The Northern slaves were freed first because it took longer for King Lincoln's army to beat down the confederacy. The slaves in the south weren't freed until reconstruction.
Spanish crown Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand.