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Q: For any disagreement that may arise between a state and the federal government - the authority is the WHAT?
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When there is a dispute between states and the federal government over authority who has the authority to settle that dispute?

If there are disputes over authority between local, state, or the national government, how are the disputes resolved?

What became the final and supreme authority in disputes between the federal government and state government?

the federal did not want a stronger goverment

How was authority shared in a federal system of government?

the authority shared by how the government reviewed the federal systems

What become the final and supreme authority in disputes between the federal government and state government?

The Supreme Court.

How is authority shared in a federal system of government?

How is authority shared in a federal system

How is authority shared in a federal system government?

How is authority shared in a federal system

What was the disagreement between the anti-federalist and the federalist?

The main disagreement was the issue of a strong federal government, supported by Federalists, or a weak federal government with strong state government or rights, which was supported by anti-federalists, hence the name. But more importantly, while Anti-Federalists strongly disagreed with a federal government they would concede to it if a Bill of Rights was attached, to protect the people from potential tyranny.

Federal authority is...?

whenthe government uses its power to enforce laws

If there is a conflict between state and national government who is supreme?

the Federal government has the supreme authority and exercises their control prior to that of the states

Does federal government have authority over state government?


True or false only the federal government has the authority to print us currency?

It is true that the federal government has the authority to print us currency.

What is the type of authority that government personnel must have in order to bind the federal government?

Actual authority