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nobles, bourguesie, priest

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Q: France's estates included which class or group of people?
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Were burghers a feudal class of people in Europe who were owned by the heads of the estates where they worked?

No, burghers were the town people, who were mostly free laborers and middle class.

What was the third esates in freach society?

The French Estates - General consisted of representatives of three estates: 1) Clergy 2) Nobility 3) The commoners. The third estate included all the professional, commercial and middle-class groups of the country.

What was the third estate and who is include?

The 3rd estate was the lower class of all 3 estates. The 1st estate was the wealthy clergy and the 2nd estate was the nobility. The 3rd estate included merchants, peasants, city workers, and the middle class. Hope this is what you were looking for!(:

What was the class system called in the French Revolution?

The Three Estates.

What were three estates into which Renaissance society was divided?

The nobility, middle class, and peasants or lower class.

Which of the Estates of the realm held most of the population?

The Third Estate, which included commoners and peasants, held the majority of the population in medieval European society. They were the working class and made up the largest social group, but had the least amount of political power compared to the First and Second Estates.

What is another name for tax paid to the church to support its schools and charities?

The commoners of the Third Estate included the middle class,peasants and city workers. The middle class was known as the bourgeoisie,which included doctors, merchants, storekeepers and artisans. Thebourgeoisie was very outspoken in condemning the privileges of thenobility. They were unhappy with the Old Regime, because it gave unfairadvantages to people of the First and Second Estates, who made up lessthan 2% of the population, and yet were the only ones who could becomearmy officers or high church officials. The commoners had to pay a tithe,or tax on their income, while the other two estates wenttax-free.

The four estates of France were the?

The four estates of France were the : nobles clergy middle class peasants The press took to calling themselves the fifth estate'

What was the name of the middle class of people in France?

The middle class people of France were known as the bourgeoisie. They represent the wealthiest social class, and are identifiable by their ownership of capital. In France, they represented the Third Estate, and were forced to shoulder the expenses of the first two estates prior to the French Revolution.

What are townspeople Middle Ages?

Medieval towns people were mostly of two classes. They were either laborers who were technically serfs, but did not live on manorial estates, or they were members of the middle class. Members of both classes worked as servants, weavers, potters, carpenters, smiths, and so on. People in towns usually did not have their own cooking facilities, so there were a lot of people who cooked and sold food, especially bakers. These business were owned by middle class people, but the workers might technically have been serfs. Also, towns had lawyers, apothecaries, jewelers, inn keepers, and clerks. These were middle class people. Members of the nobility tended to live on their estates, which may have included villages, but usually did not include towns. Towns had clergy in them, and some had monasteries with monastic populations.

What caused the Revolution of 1830?

Cause of French RevolutionThe French Revolution was caused when King Louis XVI was taxing the Third Estates class but, not the frist or second estates class leaving them to get richer and richer.

Was made up of 98 percent of the French population including workers peasants merchants and lawyers?

The commoners of the Third Estate included the middle class,peasants and city workers. The middle class was known as the bourgeoisie,which included doctors, merchants, storekeepers and artisans. Thebourgeoisie was very outspoken in condemning the privileges of thenobility. They were unhappy with the Old Regime, because it gave unfairadvantages to people of the First and Second Estates, who made up lessthan 2% of the population, and yet were the only ones who could becomearmy officers or high church officials. The commoners had to pay a tithe,or tax on their income, while the other two estates wenttax-free.