President George Washington made several key contributions during the Revolutionary War. Specifically, he commanded the Continental Army, and he worked alongside his troops, never asking them to do anything he wouldn't do himself. It was due primarily to Washington that the war was won.
The first president, George Washington, owned many slaves throughout his lifetime. He made a big contribution to the history of African Americans by freeing his personal servant upon his death. He also ordered that upon his wife's death his remaining 311 slaves were to be freed as well.
the biggest contributes in american society was to help people
what was the contribution to society did George Rogers Clark
George Washington George Washington GEORGE WASHINGTON
All US Presidents are Americans. George Washington was the first.
George WashingtonGeorge Washington
the biggest contributes in american society was to help people
he came too poopland
Establishment of a strong national government
he dicovered ways to make soil more fertile
She made a generous contibution to the scholarship fund. What do you feel was George Washington's greatest contribution to the United States? Most families make a small contribution to the church each week.
He found many different uses for peanuts, for example in cosmetics and dyes.
George Washington
what was the contribution to society did George Rogers Clark
George Washington
George Washington George Washington GEORGE WASHINGTON
Nothing. George Washington Carver was born after George Washington had died.