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All US Presidents are Americans. George Washington was the first.

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George Washington.

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George Washington

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George Washington

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George Washington 1789.

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Q: Who was the fisrt US president?
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Where in the US was the fisrt Olympics held?

1904 in St. Louis

Who was the fisrt president to ride an atomobile?

William McKinley was the first U.S. President to take a ride in an automobile. McKinley was America's 25th President, serving from 1897 to 1901.

Who was the fisrt one on earth?

well i would say the frist one on earth is god and then it was us

Did John Adams always want to be president?

NO, at least not for the first half of is life. For the fisrt 40 years of his life there was no United States to be president of. He was born in 1735 and USA created in 1776

What golfclub site is prestige fisrt?

sir your Q is very good !I think is prestige fisrt.

When was 'Truman' elected president?

Harry S. Truman was elected president in 1944. President Truman died in 1972 at the age of 88 in Kansas City, Missouri.

What is the fisrt sims called?

The sims

Who is the commander of the national arm forces?

President of the US.

Where were the sundails fisrt made?

Sometime in the B.C.