The German soldiers that take Jonathan captive.
There are no warrant officers in the chaplain corps. There are chaplains, which are commissioned officers, and chaplain assistants, which are enlisted. No warrants.
Von Steuben put his book knowledge on artillery to practice. Lafayette was a major officer who, despite his young age, helped Washington corner Cornwallis. There were others.
After elections, senators then elect their own officers to run the agenda and processes. They elect the leader and the whips.
George Washington's farewell to his Officers was given in Manhattan (NYC) in December, 1783.
In military parlance, 'billeted' is the place where you are lodged, such as "I am billeted with a family in town" or "I am billeted on the fifth deck, below".
The German word for "book" is "Buch"
Books is die Bücher in German.
Yes. German officers came to Britain as tourists before the war. Also Japanese fishing boats visited every harbor and took soundings.
"Übungsbuch" is the German word for "exercise book".
The German word for book bag is "Buechertasche".
The German word for book is (das) Buch.
German Book Prize was created in 2005.
Dutch chocolate?
A failed attempt by German army officers to assassinate Hitler
No such model made by Walther