No one has landed on any planet, only the moon was ever visited by humans.
i know some one who landed an axel who was 7 years old but i want to know if there was anyone younger to land one
Lyndon Baines Johnson was president when Apollo 11 landed on the moon. The correct answer is the president of the U.S.A when the Apollo 11 landed on the moon was president Richard Nixon.
San Salvador was the name Christopher Columbus gave the island he landed on in the Bahamas. The island is now known as Guanahani.
Trading with the Indians
The Mayflower Compact was written in there destination which they landed in
We have sent probes from Earth to orbit Jupiter, and to fly by, but nothing has landed there.
I don't know,because...
Nobody has landed on Jupiter. The only place people have landed is the Moon.
In reality nobody has landed on Jupiter and will not, and survive to tell about it. The gravity is too strong.
nobody ever landed on Jupiter
No one has landed on Jupiter and it is unlikely they ever will.
You cant land on Jupiter, it has no solid surface on which to land.
i dont know you supose to give me the answer!
it landed on jupiter in 1995 (december 7th)
No spaceship has landed on Jupiter. It is not possible as it is a gas planet. Apart from fly- past spacecraft, only Galileo has orbited it in 1975. It released a probe into Jupiter's atmosphere which was crushed and probably vaporized.