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No. The highest office that a woman has been in United States history, was that of Speaker of the House of Representatives. It was held by Nancy Pelosi when the Democrats controlled the House in 2008 to 2010. When she was elected by her fellow House Representatives, it had been the first time that a President (George W. Bush), started a State of the Union Address with Mr. Vice President and Madame Secretary... It was a milestone in U.S. History.

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14y ago
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16y ago

No, there has never been a woman vice president so far in the history of the U.S. If John McCain should have won the election, Sarah Palin would be the first female vice president. If Barak Obama should have won the election (in which he did) he would be the first African-American president.


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12y ago

Geraldine Ferraro was the Democratic Party Vice Presidential Nominee in 1984, and Sarah Palin was the Republican Party Vice Presidential Nominee in 2008.

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16y ago

0 if referring to Vice President of the US

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15y ago

None, so far. Two women have been nomonated for VP by major parties, Geraldine Ferraro by the Democrats in 1984, and Sarah Palin by the Republicans in 2008, but neither was elected.

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13y ago

Yes, the first female president was Isabel Peron, who became president of Argentina in 1974. There have been many other female presidents since then.

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14y ago

No, the US has never had a woman vice-president. The Democrats and Republican parties have each run a woman for vice-president on one occasion but neither was elected.

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7y ago

As of 2017, no woman has ever served as vice president.

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No one has ever been elected by the Senate to be Vice-President of the United States. If the office of Vice President is vacant, the President apppoints a Vice-President with the advice and consent of the Senate. This is not an election, but a vote of approval. If a candidate slate for President / Vice-President does not obtain a majority of votes in the Electoral College, the decision falls to the House of Representatives, not to the Senate.