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No one has ever been elected by the Senate to be Vice-President of the United States. If the office of Vice President is vacant, the President apppoints a Vice-President with the advice and consent of the Senate. This is not an election, but a vote of approval. If a candidate slate for President / Vice-President does not obtain a majority of votes in the Electoral College, the decision falls to the House of Representatives, not to the Senate.

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Q: Who was elected by the senate to be vice president?
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What elected official is the president ofthe senate?

The vice president is the president of the senate.

What office is the President of the Senate elected to?

The President of the Senate is the Vice-President of the United States.

Who elects the Vice President if no one receives a majority?

The Vice President would then be elected by the Senate.

Which elected official acts as president of the senate?

The vice president. When the office of vice president is vacant it is the president pro tempore.

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The Vice President is also President of the Senate

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The vice president is the president of the Senate and has the tie-breaking vote, so when the vice president is not there, the Senate is typically presided over by the president pro tempore. The president pro tempore is a senator from the majority party and is elected by the Senate to serve as its presiding officer in the absence of the vice president.

The elected temporary leader of the Senate when the Vice President of the US cannot attend Senate meetings?

president pro tempore

How is the presiding officer in each house chosen?

THe House Speaker and the Senate majority leader are elected from the majority party. The Senate also has a president pro tempore who is elected by the Senate and now is traditionally the majority senator with the most seniority. The Vice President of the United States is the president of the Senate, but can not vote except in the case of a tie. The vice president is elected by the elecoral college along with the President.

Who is tasked with running the House and Senate?

The vice president. When the vice president is unable to for some reason, a President Pro Tempore is elected to do so.

What do you call the Senate member elected by the Senate who stands in as president of the Senate in the absence of the vice president?

The office is Senate pro tempore. He is elected by the Senate. The current custom is to elect the majority party member with the greatest seniority in the Senate.

What is the difference between the vice president and the president pro-tempore of the Senate?

The vice-president of the United States serves as the president of the Senate. He is elected by the electoral college that elects the President of the US. He is not a senator and can only vote in the case of a tie. The president pro-tempore is elected by the Senate from among its members. By tradition they elect the majority party member with the longest seniority in the Senate.

What Is the vice president the president of?

The Vice-President is the President of the Senate.The President pro tempore (President pro tem), who chairs the Senate during the absence of the Vice President, is an elected position within the Senate, and is normally the US senator with the most seniority within the majority party.