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Q: He began life as a king and ended up a US president Who is this?
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How is life in the US with a king or queen is different from life in the US with a president?

How is life in the United States with a king or queen different from a life in the United States with a president

What did Julius Caesar act like?

Towards the end of his life, Julius Caesar began acting too much like a king to suit many people.Towards the end of his life, Julius Caesar began acting too much like a king to suit many people.Towards the end of his life, Julius Caesar began acting too much like a king to suit many people.Towards the end of his life, Julius Caesar began acting too much like a king to suit many people.Towards the end of his life, Julius Caesar began acting too much like a king to suit many people.Towards the end of his life, Julius Caesar began acting too much like a king to suit many people.Towards the end of his life, Julius Caesar began acting too much like a king to suit many people.Towards the end of his life, Julius Caesar began acting too much like a king to suit many people.Towards the end of his life, Julius Caesar began acting too much like a king to suit many people.

What American president began his working life as a sports commentator?

Franklin roosevelt

How did Washington's retirement influence party politics?

It really didn't. He served only one term as the president. Many wanted to make him president (or king) for life, he would not accept this. The debate over parties while alive in his lifetime, really began much later.

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figure it out yourself get a life!

Where and when did Saint Francis Xavier Cabrini live?

Mother Cabrini began her life in Italy and it ended in Chicago, Illinois. Read about her life and travels by clicking on this link to her biography.

Where did homosexuality begin?

Homosexuality began wherever life on Earth began.Homosexuality began with the dawn of animal life on Earth.

What are all the differences from a president and a king?

Kings are determined by heredity and serve for life or until they resign. President are elected and serve for term of fixed length as set by a Constitution.

Describe an event in king's boyhood that influenced his later life?

When Martin Luther King Jr. began school he was forced to attend a different school than his white friends. This was one of King's first significant encounters with racism.

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Life Has Ended Here was created in 2002.

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Shakespeare's professional life, which included both acting and playwriting, began in the late 1590's (nobody is exactly sure when) and ended when he retired in 1613.

What did Martin Luther King Jr claim that even 100 years after slavery ended the life of the Negro was still sadly crippled by the?

manacles of segregationsegragation>