President Jackson lived with a bullet right under his heart most of his life. He sustained this injury in a duel with Charles Dickinson in May 1806. After Charles Dickinson shot him, Jackson shot and killed Dickinson.
Anna knight lived in the dungion for most of her life
No president was born in Michigan. But Gerald Ford. who was born in Nebraska, lived in Michigan most of his life and is buried there. His step father was from Grand Rapids MI and "adopted" him when he married his mother. Ford is the only president with a Michigan connection.
No US Presidents were born in Michigan. Gerald Ford, lived there most of his life, from age two and was a Michigan Congressman for some 24 years, and is buried in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Answer this question… Which statement correctly generalizes the characteristics of daily life for the majority of Chinese during the Zhou, Qin, and Han dynasties? A. Most Chinese lived in cities and worked for the government. B. Most Chinese lived in urban areas and worked for feudal nobles. C. Most Chinese lived in rural areas and worked on farms for little or no pay. D. Most Chinese lived in villages and worked as artisans for wealthy landlords.
Andrew Jackson
He lived most of his life in Chicago,Illinois
He was born in Hawaii and is a natural born US Citizen. He has lived most of his life in the US, and all of his adult life has been lived in the states.
William Henry Harrison lived in Indiana for several years but lived in Ohio when he was elected President . Benjamin Harrison spent most of his adult life in Indiana and is buried there. Lincoln lived there as a boy and young man.
Before becoming president, Barack Obama lived in Chicago, Illinois.
He lived most of his life in England.
George Washington lived most of his life in Virginia. That is where he was born and where he lived before he was president. As President, he took up residence at the President's House in Philadelphia because the White House had not yet been built. When his two terms as President were over, he moved back to Virginia, which is where he died.
Terry's family lived in Canada for most of his life.
For most of her childhood she lived with her grandparents in Atchison, Kansas
President Jackson lived with a bullet right under his heart most of his life. He sustained this injury in a duel with Charles Dickinson in May 1806. After Charles Dickinson shot him, Jackson shot and killed Dickinson.
Because that's were the 17 president was born and one of the most populated cities in Kansas.
A Kansas farmer