The colonials bombarded the British from Imacheater Heights just East of Concord.
The quartering Act required colonial assemblies to house and pay British soldiers.
NovaNet: thought colonial soldiers had fired on them
Thought colonial soldiers had fired on them
quartering act--apex
They didn't need to be, a loyalist normally was a colonist who was loyal to the British. The British were already British so they were already loyal to King George, unless there were some that weren't.
The quartering Act required colonial assemblies to house and pay British soldiers.
The quartering Act required colonial assemblies to house and pay British soldiers.
colonial militiamen
Boston, Massachusetts
In the city of Concord
The British soldiers were (aptly enough) called "redcoats".
colonial militia men
The British withdrew from Boston because canon were placed on Dorchester eights, overlooking Boston. This made the British position untenable as the town could be bombarded from the heights and the British could not effectively fire back. So they withdrew.
NovaNet: thought colonial soldiers had fired on them
Thought colonial soldiers had fired on them
It was called the Quartering Act.
quartering act--apex