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A presidio is a fort, a mission is a church, pueblo is a house or town.

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Q: How are missions presidios and pueblos alike?
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How did presidios and pueblos work together with the missions?

they did nothing

What are three types Spanish settlements in the Americas?

pueblos,missions and presidios

How did the missions,presidios,and pueblos help each other?

they trade food for protection.

How were the missions presidios and pueblos alike?

The Difference Is That Missions Are Like A Religious Land Or Building And A Presidio Is Like A Military Base. :D

How did the missions presidios and pueblos help each other?

the mission and pueblo communities produced food for the presidios in exchange for protection.

What were the three parts to the Spanish mission system?

The three parts of the Spanish mission system were presidios (forts), pueblos (towns), and missions (religious communities). Presidios were military bases to protect against attacks, pueblos were civilian towns for settled communities, and missions were religious outposts used to convert Native Americans to Christianity.

What presidios pueblos or ranches were close to the Santa Barbara Mission?

they had both and only pueblos and presidios

How did the pueblos support the presidios?

It wasthere

What did Presidios and Pueblos do?

they traded food for protection

What were the three kinds of settlements in new Spain?

New Spain refers to Spain's colonies and settlements in America. Mostly they had claims in southern North America, Central America, and in South America itself. They even breached into parts of modern day Texas. They also depended heavily on their claims to Barbados and other W. Indies Islands.

What did pueblos do?

They provided farm supplies for presidios and more.

What three kinds of settlements did Spain establish in the America how did they differ?

the three settlements are pueblos missions presidio they are all made for a different purpose: Pueblos were for Settlers/Residents. Missiones were for Church Officials. Presidios were Military Installations.