the creators of seseme street found the name "elmo" in a pot of gold under a rainbow. there was a mean and nast lephrecaun guarding him but bigbird took him down
That would be Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower.
well it depends what you mean by what is the correct "match" because if you explained what the match was it might be a lot easier to answer. sincerely Elmo the 2nd of Austin,Texas
the only explanations for computers is the ballsackchin people because they ejackulated with Elmo and the negros raped the mnm guys.
Because they didn't know exactly what route the British would take. i guess =))))) La La La Elmo's World
Federal means a system in which the states share power with the central government.
Elmo Redrico's birth name is Elmo Abaya Redrico.
Elmo Lincoln's birth name is Linkenhelt, Otto Elmo.
Elmo Veron's birth name is Elmo Joseph Veron.
Elmo Rautio's birth name is Elmo-Petteri Juhani Rautio.
Elmo Billings's birth name is ElmoG.Ludwick.
Elmo's dads name is Louie and his mom is Gladys
Elmo moses arroyo magalona
it would be sesame streets elmo.. YES.. if so his middle name is your mum
it would be sesame streets elmo.. YES.. if so his middle name is your mum
that is a shoe og Elmo are like a name brand of Elmo so yea peace hommies Ashley
That is the usual spelling of the name Elmo, a variant of Anselmus or Erasmus.
Yes, there is a Saint Elmo, sometimes known as Saint Erasmus.