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Because they didn't know exactly what route the British would take. i guess =))))) La La La Elmo's World

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13y ago

Because they didn't know exactly what route the British would take.

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11y ago

The patriots needed several riders and each took different routes due to the fact that the patriots did not know which way Britain would attack.

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Why was fighting on their own land an advantages for the patriots?

because the Patriots had more weapons and protection on their own land (from 8th grade textbook)> Also, they didn't need to travel, and they knew where the hiding + ambush spots were

How does patriotism destroy a nation?

Patriotism as defined as love for country is not destructive to a nation. But various groups see patriotism as a bad thing because patriots tend think they are better than people from other nations. It could be argued that these patriots would stand on the border telling insults at each other until war broke out to destroy one of them. However, loving one's nation or having pride in one's heritage also forms the cultural glue that holds them together when they need help from one or the other. So a nation of patriots is always better than a nation of anti-patriots.

Why did America need to break the British naval blockade?

Great Britain's navy kept the ships of the Patriots and of their allies from entering or leaving American harbors. This blockade prevented supplies and reinforcements from reaching the Continental Army.

What goal was held by the majority of patriots at the beginning of Revolutionary War?

It was to gain theyre rights back from english/ british men. the movement became more popular and many saw the dream of liberty and that thye need to fight in order to win.

Reasons some chose the patriots side?

People chose to be patriots so they weren't under the control of the king the rebels aka Patriots wanted to be free from him.Well , actually , they thought thatThey didn't like his laws .He was unfairTaxes without representation is Taxation

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