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By suggesting that kings were not given their political power by God.

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Q: How did Enlightenment thinkers' ideas reduce the power of European monarchs?
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How did enlightenment thinkers ideas reduce the power of europeann monarchs?

Enlightenment thinkers promoted ideas of democracy, individual rights, and separation of powers, which challenged the divine right of monarchs to rule. These ideas led to the rise of constitutionalism and limited government, limiting the power and authority of European monarchs. The Enlightenment also sparked movements for political reform and revolution, such as the French Revolution, which further weakened the influence of monarchs in Europe.

How did the enlightenment thinkers reduce the power of European monarchs?

Enlightenment thinkers reduced the power of European monarchs by promoting ideas of individual rights, separation of powers, and limited government. They challenged the divine right of kings and advocated for constitutional monarchies or republics based on the rule of law. These ideals influenced the development of political systems that placed constraints on the absolute authority of monarchs.

How did enlightenment thinkers ideas reduce the power European monarchs?

By suggesting that kings were not given their political power by God.

What were the places of the Buddhas eightfold path?

The Eightfold Path is not a walkway or other physical object. They are an approach to life that will reduce beadier and thus reduce suffering. Eventually the practices described lead to enlightenment.

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The steamship

Do you agree that lord Buddha was a great saint.give two reasons?

1. He is the first person who can get complete enlightenment. 2. He discovered the way to reduce passion and mood control.

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The ideas of enlightenment fostered the belief that crime is caused by societal factors such as poverty, inequality, lack of education, and social injustice rather than just individuals' inherent moral failings. This perspective emphasized the importance of addressing root causes and promoting social reform to reduce crime rates.

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It was supposed to hurt England economically. Its goal was to reduce the economic power of Britain by preventing England from trading with the European continent.

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Germany had to reduce the size of its army, pay reparations to European countries, reduce its arsenal of weapons, and assume full responsibility for the war.

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The European Union as a whole has the goal of reducing greenhouse gases in Europe through initiatives such as the European Green Deal. Member countries also have their own commitments to reduce emissions in line with the EU's targets.

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Measures employed to reduce overproduction of wine in Europe?

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