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Q: How did Georgia respond to the ratification of the US constitution?
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How did Georgia respond to the ratification of the new US constitution?

how did Georgia respond to the ratification of the u.s. consituion?

What do you call a federalist that is against the ratification of the US Constitution?

Federalists were for the ratification of the Constitution. Those who opposed such ratification were called Anti-Federalists or Confederalists.

Was Georgia the first state to ratify the US Constitution?

Ratification of the Constitution by the State of Delaware, December 7, 1787. Delaware was the first state to ratify the Constitution. Delaware's ratification message was short and to the point.Refer to:

What were the delays in ratification for US Constitution?

About 3.5 Years

What were the people called that were for the ratification of the US Constitution?


What party names were given to those who favored ratification and to those who opposed ratification of the us constitution?

Ratification- Federalist Anti-ratification- anti-federalist

What article of the US constitution deals with ratification?

article 7

By what authority was the US Supreme Court established?

The ratification of the US Constitution in 1789.

What was the approval of the Constitution called?

The process wherby each state voted to accept the new US Constitution is called "ratification." This term is also used for acceptance of amendments to the constitution.

Approximately how long did the debate over the ratification of the US constitution last?

The debate over the ratification of the US Constitution lasted from 1787 to 1788, spanning approximately one year.

What number state is gerogia?

Georgia was the last of the original Thirteen Colonies to be established, on February 12, 1733, which is ka Georgia Day. It was the fourth state of the United States of America, by its ratification of the U.S. Constitution, on January 2, 1788.

On what 2 states did the success or failure of ratification depend?

Virginia and New York were the two states that the success or failure of ratification of the US Constitution depended on. The US Constitution was ratified on June 21, 1788.