Omura compared the US government to Hitlers Nazi government by saying that the Jews got angry when Hitler mistreated them, just as the Japanese citizens were getting angry for Americans unfair mistreatment.
Nazi officials of Hitlers Germany were put on trial for crimes of war. Many of the officials, however, commited suicide shortly before the trails.
If you go to the extreme left your life is in danger if you voice an opinion other then that of the government. USSR If you go to the extreme right your life is in danger if you voice an opinion other then that of the government. NAZI Germany
speaker of the houseDictatorship. Autocracy
Hitler was not the founder of the Nazi Party.
Canadian Nazi Party ended in 1978.
Nazi Germany and the Third Reich were Hitlers German empire names.
Nazi Germany and the Third Reich were Hitlers German empire names.
No, Hitlers Nazi Empire
Nazi Germany and the Third Reich were Hitlers German empire names.
The goal of the nazi party was to take over all of the world.
first of all its nazi and YES!!! they r hitlers sodiers and they were evil just like him
Hitlers Swashsticker is called the Nazi flag
He was the leader of the Nazi Party (National Socialist German Workers' Party) .