Rousseau wrote "social contract" in 1762. He believed that people are not social beings by nature. Primitive people had no reason to hurt each other, but civilization brought out these evils (aggression and egotism). He thought society should be organized into agricultural communities where everyone is controlled. He also outlined a plan for a democracy in which all people would participate and be involved reducing special interest groups.
prog lack
a bicameral legislative body
philosophers of the enlightenment
It limited the power of the government and gave citizens rights
It was a social compact between settlers
prog lack
Which part of the U.S. Constitution allows businesses to attempt to influence federal laws?
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Yes, partly
they were political philosophers
European EnlightenmentMost political scientists and historians credit john Locke as the greatest individual influence on the formation of the US. Others included French thinkers like Rousseau.
European EnlightenmentMost political scientists and historians credit john Locke as the greatest individual influence on the formation of the US. Others included French thinkers like Rousseau.
helped us have rights, with a strong government at the same time
Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a philosopher of the 18th century. His ideologies about the nature of man and his work on the social contract both had major influence on how the American Government runs today.
helped us have rights, with a strong government at the same time
Impossible to say without knowing who you mean by "both."