Samuel Colt died on January 10, 1862, of natural causes, at the age of 49.
Samuel Earhart was a relative of Amelia Earhart and he died in 1851. Not much else is known about Samuel Earhart.
In a prison at the age of 26
Samuel Adams cretated the committee of correspondence so the colonists can get inform of the british actions.
Samuel "Langhorne" Clemens
Samuel Elmer Imes was a physist
Samuel Colt died on January 10, 1862 at the age of 47.
Samuel Colt invented the Colt pistol!
Samuel Colt inveted the Revolver.
Samuel Colt's full name was just Samuel Colt. He did not have a middle name. He is known as the founder of Colt Manufacturing Company.
Samuel Colt was born on July 19, 1814.
Samuel Colt died of gout in 1862.
Samuel Colt was born on July 19, 1814.
Samuel Colt was born on July 19, 1814.
Samuel Colt was born on July 19, 1814.
At his peak tallness, Samuel Colt was about 2.43 Kim Jongs
Samuel Colt - actor - was born on 1973-12-06.
Samuel colt