Mr. Samuel Adams (he's really crazy and that's why he has his own beer)
3.TAx collector,govenor,and something else i forgot
Before 1774 Samuel Adams was a man who probably was not a very good citizen in the Colony. His father was a man who wore many hats and encouraged Samuel to settle down and become something. Samuel Adams delivered beer to taverns from his father's brewery, was a tax collector and a bankruptcy clerk until he met John Hancock.
Samuel Adams cretated the committee of correspondence so the colonists can get inform of the british actions.
Samuel Adams was a patriot.
that means to recycle it.
Samuel Adams Beer was named after Samuel Adams, the person. But there are questions about whether the person shown on the bottle is actually him. Some have pointed out that the picture looks more like Paul Revere.
Samuel Adams is just 0.9% of the beer market.
Samuel Adams is made by the Boston Beer Company
There is no fat in beer.
Samuel Adams made malt, used in the production of beer.
drinking beer
Mr. Samuel Adams (he's really crazy and that's why he has his own beer)
Samuel Adams made malt, used in the production of beer.
A gentleman and frugal