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Solomon Radasky died because of old age and starvation

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he was Born in 1910 in Warsaw

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Q: How did Solomon Radasky die?
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Continue Learning about American Government

Who ordered the construction of a beautiful temple in Jerusalem?

Solomon ordered the construction of a temple in Jerusalem.

Who is Solomon Chandler?

An influential character in the book/film April Morning; and portrayed in the film as the one to fire "the shot heard round the world" on the Lexington green, thus beginning the Revolutionary war.

Where is Sheba?

A:No one knows where the nation of Sheba was, or even if it really existed. The only independent mention of it is in the Old testament Book of Kings, which refers to a Queen of Sheba visiting the fabulously wealthy King Solomon in Jerusalem. However, this appears to be a legendary account intended to demonstrate the importance of an ancient king, rather than a historical record. Christian and Islamic sources speak of Sheba, but appear dependent on the original Judaic account. The former imperial family of Ethiopia claims to be descended from the offspring of the Queen of Sheba by King Solomon, on the basis that Sheba was the ancient name of Ethiopia. Once again, this claim is more likely to be based on puffery than fact.

When did Francis Allen die?

When did Increase Allen Lapham Die

Solomons favorite wife?

Interesting were last week's despatches from the Cairo newspaper Mokattam that diggers have found the rich tomb of Solomon's favorite wife Moti Maris of Memphis, on the Mount of the Temple (Jerusalem's Mount Moriah). With the body was a scroll in which Solomon, supposedly, wrote: "When Moti poured the wine into the cups I noticed that Amerto [her malicious father] did not extend his hand. Nevertheless, I unsuspectingly raised my cup to my lips. Thereupon Moti snatched the cup and drank the [poisoned] wine herself." The above is a ficticious rendering from a Palistinian weekly.( 09-27-09)

Related questions

What day did Solomon Radasky die?

March 12, 1965

What was Solomon Radasky best known for?

Mr.Solomon Radasky is known for surviving the holocaust. Mr.Solomon Radasky is known for surviving the holocaust.

At what age did Solomon radasky die?

I was unable to find anything about a "Solomon Radasky". Salman Rushdie, the author of the "Satanic Verses" is still alive and well. He died at age 92 on Sunday August 4, 2002

Is Solomon radasky dead?

yes he is:(

When was Holocaust Survivor Solomon Radasky Liberated?

Solomon Radasky left Dachau on the 26th or the 27th of April, 1945. He was liberated on May 1st.

Is Solomon Radasky's son in North Carolina?

He is.

Where did Solomon radasky hide?

he is a Jew that survived

When did Solomon radasky die?

my life might end here but my life will be reconiced in the future who ever read this will hear my life

What was Solomon radasky school life like?

Solomon Radasky's school life was challenging as he had to bravely fight discrimination to attend an all white high school in Little Rock, Arkansas.

How did Solomon radasky survive the Holocaust?


How old was Solomon radasky during the Holocaust?

he was 18 yrs old

What is the name of Solomon radasky kids?
