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There was a great impact of colonial rule on pastoral community. Under colonial rule there life changed dramatically . Due to the colonial rule their grazing ground shrank as the colonial states were trying to bring most of the land under cultivation. The revenue they had to pay increased because land revenue was the only source of income for the colonial states.They wanted to increase cultivated areas so as to increase revenue and most probably they can produce more jute,cotton,wheat etc. required in England.

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12y ago

colonial rule is when the British came to India .the lifestyle and rules of British have changed the life of tribal people.

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how did british rule affects tribals in india

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How did colonial rule effect tribal chiefs?

Before the arrival of British in India tribals were ruled by the so called chiefs of the groups of tribals who had control over certain territories and its people. They had their own set of rules, laws and police force to control and protect their people and territories .They collected taxes and enjoyed full freedom to rule. After the British arrived, their powers were clipped and though the tribal chiefs enjoyed the right to rule their people , they had to follow the rules and regulations laid down by the British and had to follow a disciplined governance unlike the lawless governance they use to enjoy before the British came. They also had to pay tribute {taxes} to the British .Thus , the powers of tribal chiefs were highly reduced under the colonial rule - MD.Abrar Shariff

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