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Industrialization and new technology affected the economy and society in a significant manner. There was improved production and enhanced efficiency which led to growth of economy and better societies.

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Sierra Flatley

Lvl 10
2y ago
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Estevan Bartoletti

Lvl 13
2y ago

well the industrial revolution changed how we live today and also how we get around and all of our new inventions we use today was used back then and made back then so we can use it today

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10y ago

Industrialization brought us many technological advancements. A few of those were being able to utilize a faster, safer, and easier way of transportation. Many of the factory workers, used to making everything by hand, were able to work at ease with the help of machines during the industrial revolution.

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13y ago

It gave people many jobs in the industries, it made goods faster and cheaper, and it made transportation quicker and more efficient than before due to the improvements of the steam engine by James Watt.

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10y ago

The industrial revolution meant the end of small cottage industries. It allowed consumers to have access to a wider variety of goods and services. It also provided them jobs so that they could access those goods and services.

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9y ago

The effect of particular new ideas is entirely contingent on what ideas those are. It could range from minimal effects (such as was engendered by the elaboration of the categorical imperative) or earthshattering effects (such as was engendered by Imperialism).

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