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Q: How did the new zhou political order affect society?
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What did the Zhou do to the Shang Dynasty?

The Zhou dynasty lasted the longest, in Chinese history. It gave rise to China's unique political and cultural characteristics. During this dynasty, iron was introduced, hydraulic engineering was founded and a means to aid agricultural irrigation was implemented.

Zhou Dynasty social?

What was the Zhou Dynasty's social order

What are the three zhou society?

The Kings, The Nobles, and The Peasants.

What were the levels of society in the zhou dynasty?

rich poor

What dynasty laid the foundation for principles of government and political legitimacy?

Zhou dynasty

Whose teachings were the zhou's laws based on?

The Zhou's laws were primarily based on teachings from Confucianism, which emphasized social harmony through moral and ethical behavior, hierarchy, and filial piety. These laws aimed to govern relationships within society and maintain order and stability.

The political and social development of the shang and zhou period?

yeah right you should know this

What Zhou political theory stated that heavenly powers granted the right to govern?

mandate of heaven

What is the political order used by the zhou kings to rule distant lands?

according to this idea, heaven gave power to the king or leader, and no one ruled without heavens pemission.if a king was founed to be bad,heaven would support another leader.

How did the Zhou's beliefs including the Manadate of Heaven affect their rule?

By giving people happiness .

What dynasty was the autumn and spring period in china?

The Zhou kingdom ruled during this time with the political stance of feudalism.

What was different in the qin dynasty then in the zhou dnynasty?

Zhou Dynasty came before the Qin Dynasty. Zhou Dynasty was a feudal period, where China was roughly united by a single spoken language: Mandarin Chinese. After Zhou Dynasty fell, China went into a warring states period where there was alot of political confusion. Qin Dynasty only had 1 ruler, Shi Huang Di. He was basically a tyrant, burned books and killed many scholars. Qin Dynasty adopted Legalism as a political doctrine.