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The framers of the U.S. Constitution advocated that the power of government would be limited. They ensured this by providing:

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because they are farmers. they can do what they want.

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A federalist system of government

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They wanted to protect individual rights

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Q: How did the Framers of the Constitution ensure the power of government would be limited?
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How did the framers of the constitution ensure that a strong military could not threaten the new democracy?

They established civilian control of the military.

How did framers of the Constitution plan to uphold the Preamble?

They were hoping for the collaboration of certain individuals that had experience in such government things but ultimately they had know way to ensure the uphold of our government and in fact doubted the future of the American government's integrity because of to much power that lead to the attainment of out current leaders. They did the best they could at the time but knew it wouldn't last forever.

Who of these best describe the relationships among the Federal government states and citizen as described in the constitution?

The Federal Government's powers are defined; other rights are reserved for the states and the people. People, includes local governments as well. The Framers wanted to ensure that the central governments powers were more clearly defined.

Are the purpose of government today the same as the framers described the preamble?


What principal behind the constitution guarantees that a person's freedom cannot be taken away?

They CAN be taken, but it is the responsibility of the people to make sure that they aren't through voting and election of members of the government. Even though the constitution makes the beautiful statement that rights are God given it takes the structure of the constitution to make sure they are protected. It takes a press willing to expose corruption, people knowing the issues, people voting, petition of the government to remove laws that are against rights, and understanding history as well as how government works. Our idea about basic freedoms today is different than in 1789 when the constitution was written. Today people think they have the right to be happy, but there is nothing in the constitution or government that ensures the happiness of individuals. It is up to each of us to ensure our happiness.

Related questions

How did the constitution ensure limited governent?

It specifically states what powers the government has. (NovaNet)

How might the farmers of the constitution have helped to ensure that more citizens had a voice in government?

Framers of the Constitution did the best they could, It is the modern day interpreters of the Constitution that precipitate questions and concerns like this. kapm

What experiences led the framers of the constitution to ensure that no one person or group in the government could gain too much power?

hey hey

How did the framers ensure the Constitution could be adapted?

They included the bill the other party wanted to ensure it would be created.

How did framers of the Constitution ensure that a strong military could not threaten the new democracy?

They established civilian control of the military.

How did the framers of the constitution ensure that a strong military could not threaten the new democracy?

They established civilian control of the military.

How did the Philadelphia convention delegates ensure ratification of the constitution?

The delegates of the Constitutional Convention added the Bill of Rights to the Constitution as a compromise between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists to ensure ratification. This limited the power of the federal government and solidified power for the states.

To avoid having too much power concentrated in one branch of government the framers of the Constitution established what?

To ensure that one branch of government wouldn't hold all the power, the system of checks and balances was created.

What two guiding principles of the constitution serve as the basis for that fact?

The principles of republican government embedded in the Constitution do represent an effort by framers to ensure that the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness would not be trampled by the majorities

What does the 7 principles of government have to do with the constitution?

The 7 principles of government - popular sovereignty, limited government, separation of powers, checks and balances, judicial review, federalism, and individual rights - are foundational concepts reflected in the US Constitution. The Constitution establishes the framework for how the government operates and embodies these principles to ensure a system of government that is fair, balanced, and accountable to the people.

How does Article II section 2 of the U.S. Constitution limit the power of the federal government?

When the US Constitution was ratified by the states, the delegates wanted to insure that the new Federal government had limited powers. To ensure this all powers not delegated to the Federal government, all powers not assigned to the Federal government are powers left to each state to decide.

How did framers of the Constitution plan to uphold the Preamble?

They were hoping for the collaboration of certain individuals that had experience in such government things but ultimately they had know way to ensure the uphold of our government and in fact doubted the future of the American government's integrity because of to much power that lead to the attainment of out current leaders. They did the best they could at the time but knew it wouldn't last forever.