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The American Revolution started as a result of the breakdown in the relationship of Britain and its Thirteen Colonies. Continued seemingly punitive laws and taxes were enacted by Parliament for the colonies. Proper efforts were not made to address grievances on both sides. As a result, the colonists came to believe they were better off on their own than with Britain.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The tensions between Great Britain and the colonists. The colonists did not want to follow the rules from Great Britain 3000 miles away. They did not want to pay tax to Great Britain for their hard work and have no say in the matter and get no benefit from it.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

It started when two dudes got bored and had a bet on who could stay underwater the longest. When the king of Britain lost, he got mad and bombed George Washington with the flying monkeys from The Wizard of Oz. George Washington made a flying boat and attacked Britain. This is why you see George Washington standing in a boat in paintings. Soon after a fox attacked BOTH countries, and started a very large war. The fox came from space, and inspired H.G. Wells to write the book: The War of the Worlds, which is a very good book. Oh right, back to the fox. It attacked with an army of mutant chickens in tripods, equiped with heat rays, instantly frying whoever it hits. Are you seriously still reading this? I think it is very funny how you can't pull you're eyes away, and you seem to be getting frustrated. You must be extremly stupid to keep reading this! I am not. even in com.plete sentences anymor.e!!

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βˆ™ 16y ago

British General Gage learned that the colonists had stored supplies and ammunition at Concord, MA, some 20 miles from Boston. On 19 April 1775, he sent 700 of his troops to seize the munitions and, if possible, capture and arrest Samuel Adams and John Hancock. Gage had received information that those two “rebels” were hiding out in Concord. Warning the Americans that the British were marching to Concord were the trio Revere, Dawes, and Prescott, of the famous “Midnight Ride.” When British Major John Pitcairn arrived at Lexington, which was on the way to Concord, he found 70 American minutemen (actually, they were almost all farmers) in battle formation at the town square. Pitcairn ordered the Americans to disperse but when they didn’t move after the second order to do so, someone fired a shot. It is not known if the shot was fired by Americans or British. The British easily cleared Lexington and marched on to Concord. He found more Americans arming the bridge into the town so Pitcairn order the British to return to Boston. All the way back to Boston, the Americans sniped at the British from behind trees and rocks, inflicting serious injury to the British troops. When the Redcoats reached Boston, 250 had been killed or wounded. This was considered the start of the American Revolution.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

On April 18-19 1775, the war began. The Boston Tea Party, Intolerable Acts, and more lead up to the Battle of Lexington and Concord. AKA "The shot heard around the world." This was a start to a 7 year war, which at the end, British surrender. You should research about this historical event, I'm researching it, and I'm only in Middle School, and I think its interesting. I hope you can learn more.


On the morning of April 18, 1775 a group of 600 British troops marched on Lexington and Concord ( this is where the story of Paul Revere comes from). They were out to collect weapons and arrest members of the Son's of Liberty. Enroute they met the 77 men of Lexington on the town's green and somehow shots were fired. After setting fire to some of the houses and looting they moved on to Concord. The word spread that the troops had killed a few men in Lexington so when they arrived in Concord they were met by colonist. At the Bridge of Concord shots were fired and the war had started. Soon after the battle of Bunker Hill took place and the Declaration of Independence was written

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Q: How did the Revolutionary War start?
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