let just say they treated the Indians like they were nothing and like slaves.
The Spaniards!
They shipped it to Spain.
i answer no!!
pilicies implemented by spaniards in the philippines
Huayna Capac
The rich people was so rich that they could treat the indians any way they want
why did the spaniards treat the Aztecs harshly
killing them and using them as slave
the ghost land
a tribute to the spaniards
The Spaniards!
Racial or cultural mixture of Spaniards and American Indians.
The encomienda system work by providing health to the King. The Spaniards force the Indians to pay tributes(tax) to them, but in return,the Spaniards promised to protect the Indians and teach them about Christianity.
The encomienda system work by providing health to the King. The Spaniards force the Indians to pay tributes(tax) to them, but in return,the Spaniards promised to protect the Indians and teach them about Christianity.
what legendary place did the indians describe to to the greey spainards
what legendary place did the indians describe to to the greey spainards
what legendary place did the indians describe to to the greey spainards