this capture was important to the Americans because of the trick George Rogers Clark pulled on the British , having his men yell and scream as they attacked the fort, making his army look bigger.The British surrendered(don't know how to spell that someone please fix it.) quickly.
He helped neither but he supported the Americans
George Rogers Clark is important in the Revolutionary War because he defeated the British in the Illinois Campaign. This prevented the British from seizing that territory. As part of the peace treaty, this land was ceded to the United States, thus opening the West for expansion.
Mexican Americans and African Americans
Benedict Arnold with said help from Ethan Allen.
It is a fort that soldiers used to hide behind during wars to help them. this fort helped them through wars with the british war with the France and even war with the u.s
The capture of Fort Vincennes helped the Americans because now the Americans controll the Ohio River Valley which now called "The West".
Of course he did. He did not capture Vincennes singlehandedly. He led a regiment of Malitia Rangers made up of Kentucky and Virginia backwoodsmen.
to capture British Land. Apex:)
no. Actually the French sided with the Americans.
Clark lead Virginia frontier fighters against the British in the Ohio Valley. Clark also captured the British forts at Kaskaskia and Cahokia with the help of some Miami Indians. He also planned a surprise attack on the British fort at Vincennes. When he and his men reached the fort, they spread out Into the Woods and made their numbers appear greater. The British commander believed it useless to fight. He surrendered Vincennes in February 1779.
he captured it and led 80 green mountain boys to capture fort ticonderoga.
He was great help to them because he helped capture fort Ticonderoga and was the commander of the green mountain boys who played a big role in the war!
they were able to use the cannons they captured at the fort to force the british to abandon the Boston harbor
He helped the British attempt to conquer Fort Ticonderoga, at first his plan worked, but then the Rebels surrounded him and he was forced to surrender.
Fort Calgary