They did not set up mechanisms whereby the government could be replaced (it was a single party system). The state also created totalitarian and despotic structures with an enormous secret police which would arrest and dispose of any people seen to be dissenting. Thus while there was general resentment, there could not be any PUBLIC opposition. People were too scared.
George Washington the first President of the United States, attempted to bring rival factions together to unify the nation. He supported Alexander Hamilton's programs to pay off all state and national debt, to implement an effective tax system and to create a national bank (despite opposition from Thomas Jefferson).
The woman hated me so much that she said directly to my face "I despite you"
The Yalu River marks the North Korean-China border. Since UN forces were not officially at war with China (despite the fact China was an active participant in the conflict), UN forces were unable to continue their advance.
Issue licenses, regulate intrastate (within the state) businesses, conduct elections, establish local governments, ratify amendments to the Constitution, take measures for bublic health and safety, may exert powers the Constitution does not delegate to the national government
There are not any rights that can be taken away. Rights, natural rights as distinguished from civil rights or statutory rights, are inherent in people and not preexist governments therefore governments can not grant those rights, then governments can take those rights away. When it appears that governments do, that appearance lacks the proper perspective. When governments take away the natural rights of people they did so because those people surrendered their rights. The tapestry of freedom has long since been stained with the blood of those across the world, through out history who dared stand tall and defend their rights. Untold millions of people throughout history as do today, living in substandard conditions in some prison because they dared to stand tall and fight for freedom. For those people, despite the governments best efforts, no rights were taken away, only disparaged, abrogated and derogated, but never taken away.
Persevere means to continue forward despite opposition or discouragement.
opposition connectives are despite,although and moreover
A nine letter word for continuing forward despite opposition or discouragement is Persevere.
Christianity, a lot of Catholicism.
Tesla converted the world from DC to AC despite sever opposition from Edison.
No, the word "persistence" is a noun, not an adverb. It refers to the quality of continuing to do something despite difficulties or opposition.
You have to be more specific. There are lots of Communist Parties across the world- Germany still has three of them. And, despite what right-wingers on the internet would have you believe, the Nazi Party was not communist or socialist. But that is a complicated issue for another day.
The verb for persistence is "persist." It means to continue firmly or obstinately in an opinion or course of action despite difficulty or opposition.
Many people died or lived in fear of dying. The country became very poor despite Pot Pol's communist ideas.
"In spite of" is a prepositional phrase, not a conjunction. It is used to show contrast or opposition between two parts of a sentence.