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They prayed and all together, especially when days passed and the task at hand had not been achieved. When they started to get on edge with each other, they realized they needed divine intervention. The records show they prayed during the first Contitutional Convention.

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Q: How did the delegates to the Constitutional Convention resolve tensions?
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What were three of the major challenges that the constitutional convention delegates faced and how each was resolve?

read the book

How did the delegates to the convention resolve tensions between large and small states?

By making representation in the House of Representatives proportionate to population and representation in the Senate equal for each state

Which question did the delegates at the constitution convention try to resolve?

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What compromise did the delegates to resolve the issue of state representation?

The Constitutional Convention created two legislative sections. One (House of Representatives) is based on population, currently capped at 435 members. The other (Senate) contains the same number of members (two) for each state.

What compromise did the delegates create resolve the issue of state representation?

The Constitutional Convention created two legislative sections. One (House of Representatives) is based on population, currently capped at 435 members. The other (Senate) contains the same number of members (two) for each state.

What compromise did the delegates create to resolve the issue of state representation?

The Constitutional Convention created two legislative sections. One (House of Representatives) is based on population, currently capped at 435 members. The other (Senate) contains the same number of members (two) for each state.

What is secrecy rule?

The Secrecy Rule was established at the Constitutional Convention to protect its work processes. It allowed the Framers of the Constitution to debate freely and resolve problems efficiently.

What compromise did the delegates crate to resolve this issue?

they made the electoral college

How did the constitutional Convention resolve the issue of whether or not to count enslaved people when determining state representation in the house?

Each slave was counted as 3/5's of a person. Hope this helped you, and good luck

What other issues did the convention resolve?

independence from England

How did the peace of Augsburg resolve religious tensions?

It allowed the state to pick the religon

How did the delegates resolve the debate over how slavery should factor into representation in government?

they created the 3/5 compromise