The U.S. Government made no money on 911, It was individuals. Larry Silverstein the buildings owner, made money off of his insurance he had on the buildings though. I dont know if anyone else gained money on 911.
They do not make anything. They acttually end up spending $58 billion a year for it.
Loose change 911 the movie
The government produces social services, money and national defense.
The slave codes
control the flow of money~
Not by the US government.
They are a government organization, and as such they are funded by the US Federal Government.
The government does not make money. The government borrows around 137 billion, 83 million dollars.
I think it was. I am not entirely sure. watch
a Porsche 911 turbo costs ~US$120,000 base, but with all optional components added it goes for US$150,000.
The Federal Government makes coined money in the U.S.
The government does not make any money. The government borrows around 4 billion, 506 million a day.
The United States Government doesn't make any money in terms of earnings! The Government Receives Revenues in the form of taxes on other peoples activities.
Under the US Constitution, only the federal government prints money and maintains a navy. But taxing goods, services, and income can occur at any level of government.
There are many places where one can search for free for unclaimed money from the US Government. One can search for free for unclaimed money from the US Government at popular on the web sources such as Missing Money.
I think you mean colt 1911A1 which was the US military handgun from 1911 to about 1985.