Well to start off a lot of beliefs comes from their parents. They either want to be totally the same with their parents or exact opposite. Political opinions are also based off how people feel and have been treated and their personality. Obviously not everyone will agree on one thing. That is a major reason we have different political groups.
No statement of political beliefs and opinions of 325 million people (Americans) can be true.Any statement of political beliefs and opinions will be true for some people (Americans).
Process by which people formulate their political attitudes and opinions.
A direct democracy form of government gives people the most significant amount of political influence. A dictatorship allows the least amount of political influence.
The process by which people gain their political attitudes and opinions. This includes everything from their genetic tendency towards certain attitudes, their family's attitudes and politics, race, the region of the country you lived or grew up in, you religion or gender.
Because they were at the highest position in the caste system, people believed they were Godly-mandated that is why their advice and opinions were highly respected. People did everything they say even the local governments.
Political diversity is the different political opinions that people have. It is allowing people the right of having different political opinions and outlooks.
through political socialization!!
No statement of political beliefs and opinions of 325 million people (Americans) can be true.Any statement of political beliefs and opinions will be true for some people (Americans).
Process by which people formulate their political attitudes and opinions.
If the group of like minded people with regards to political opinions, they could form a political party. Most of the time, however, they can be describes as "public interest groups".
1. That people's political opinions are many times based off of public opinion. 2. That people don't think through their political opinions thoroughly. 3. That there is a great division in the average political opinion.
Political Socialization
The multi-step theory suggests most people form opinions based upon the influence and opinion of leaders. An example of this are political opinions infiltrated to the public by the media.
There are so many reasons as to why can't people form their own opinions. This is mainly as a result of other strong factors that influence the opinions of most people.
Political culture
A.They discuss and form opinions about artworks.
the process by which an individual's political opinions are shaped by other people and the surrounding culture