Tip it on end and squeeze it slowly to dislodge pins
Receive money for good work!
If you're in Ms. baumann's history class and you have a crossword puzzle to solve and you need number 34 down, I honestly don't know. It's hard. Sorry. :-( The answer is actually "open" I'm doing the same thing
I have no idea please thx
if fyou are asking for the crossword puzzle, the answer is "Articles"
I had a crossword puzzle for homework and i got Christendom to fit. I am not sure if it is right though.
pqrst is a highly popular puzzle competition conducted quarterly but the last event was way back on november,2005.
A money puzzle is usually a three dimensional puzzle that has money hidden inside. The puzzle must be solved in order to gain access to the money. It is a clever way to give cash as a gift, for example.
Click on the Puzzle icon
We eat the outside of the box and after that the puzzle will fall out the box. Then we will start with the game.
with a lot of time and effort
you have to finish the puzzle then click on the door
In a puzzle box there are things that slide. Look for a side or back that slides .
Money Maze is a popular brand of puzzle. One can easily purchase a Money Maze puzzle on the discount retailer Amazon or from an auction site such as eBay.
The object of each level is to open the door and proceed through it. On all the levels besides level one, there is a puzzle to solve before you can open the door. If you solve the puzzle, then the door will open and you can get to the next level.
you do the puzzle
Puzzle No 134: Steam Power, Location: Machine Room Answer = Open three valves, start from the middle pipe follow it left and then up open the valve, then go up - right and down then left open the valve - then go up and open the next valve you come to. Please see the Related link below for a walkthrough of puzzle No 134.
The puzzle Palace