How about "death to tyrants"? That's Sic Semper Tyrannus. It's what John Wilkes Booth cried after he shot President Lincoln.
As a Virginian, this is most certainly appropriate. However I was attempting to come up with a NAME in Latin to be signed to various, anonymous, comments centered around Civil War history
A Latin equivalent of the English noun 'slayer' is interfector. It's a masculine gender noun. The equivalent is interfectrix if the slayer is female. Another equivalent is homicida, which may be translated as 'murderer' and 'murderess'. It's the Latin noun that's used when the victim is human.
I'd say Joseph Stalin and Mao Tse Tung
tyrants played an important role in the development of rule by the people. they helped to overthrow the oligarchies. the also showed that if common people united behind a leader, they could gain the power to make changes.
probably the mill owners
Tyrants. Note: In Ancient Greece, the word "tyrant" meant "ruler," not "evil despot."
"Sic semper tyrannis" meaning "Thus always to tyrants."
It was reported that he exclaimed "Sic semper tyrannis!" (Latin: Thus does it always come to tyrants!)
A Latin equivalent of the English noun 'slayer' is interfector. It's a masculine gender noun. The equivalent is interfectrix if the slayer is female. Another equivalent is homicida, which may be translated as 'murderer' and 'murderess'. It's the Latin noun that's used when the victim is human.
Sic semper tyrannis - Thus ever to tyrants. It's the motto of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Sic semper tyrannis which is Latin for "thus always to tyrants".
Death to Tyrants or in Latin Sic Semper Tyrannis.
some of the tyrants' ways were similar to that of democracy. tyrants let other people besides nobles to have a say in government, like in democracy.
Intefector(es) deorum
some of the tyrants' ways were similar to that of democracy. tyrants let other people besides nobles to have a say in government, like in democracy.
This is the way with tyrants