A candidate will usually hold a press conference, or a public meeting with the press, and announce it in some form of speech. A candidate will usually hold a press conference, or a public meeting with the press, and announce it in some form of speech.
Ralph Nader - @Noahisaacdrew
Richard Millhouse Nixon
The capture of Atlanta by General Sherman in 1864 helped the candidacy of President Abraham Lincoln. He would be reelected as president that year.
To run as an independent, a person must present a petition, signed by a specified number of voters who support his or her candidacy. Still another device is the write-in vote: A candidate's name that does not appear on the ballot can be written in by voters in a space provided for that purpose.
Truman was not expected to win Truman's own party split over his candidacy Democrats had put up two candidates against him
Hilary might announce her candidacy for President this week.
From his home in Springfield, Illinois
February 10, 2007
Yes Ted Nugent will announce his candidacy on The Colbert Report in November.
Someone may announce their candidacy for either the Republican or Democrat parties. Write in campaigns can also be organized so that someone may run while not being personally involved themselves.
Barack Obama announced his candidacy in Springfield, IL. His home is Chicago, IL.
Ted Kennedy entered the Senate in a 1962 Special Election to fill the seat once held by his brother John
Franklin D. Roosevelt announced his candidacy for a third term in 1940 because he believed that his leadership was crucial during a time of global crisis, specifically World War II. He felt that his experience and policies were necessary to guide the country through the challenges ahead.
Yes: Candidacy is the campaign of a candidate to be elected.
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