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As more interest groups and PACs are made it becomes extremely difficult for the government to please everyone

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Q: How does growth in the number of interest groups and PAC's make it difficult for the federal government to enact public policy?
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Related questions

At which level of government are interest groups active?

Interest groups can operate at all levels of the government ranging from federal to local governments. An interest group can be a civil rights group, a charitable organization, or simply a neighborhood association.

What is one specific federal government regulation of interest groups?

Because its goal is to directly influence legislation, the courts have ruled that limitations on lobbying for interest groups are legitimate.

Interest groups the federal bureaucracy and Congress make up the so-called .?

Interest groups the federal bureaucracy and Congress form the iron triangle.

Interest groups the federal bureaucracy and Congress make up the so-called?

Interest groups the federal bureaucracy and Congress form the iron triangle.

How does the government try to keep interest groups from forming bad public?

One way the government tries to keep interest groups from forming bad public policy is by not letting government workers join interest groups.

What are the different types of interest groups?

Three types of interest groups are civil rights interest groups, religious groups, and economic interest groups. Additional types include ideological interest groups, single-issue groups, and government interest groups. There are thousands of interests groups in all.

How does the government try to keep interest groups from forming bad public policy's?

One way the government tries to keep interest groups from forming bad public policy is by not letting government workers join interest groups.

What problems did the Founders have with interest groups?

Northern merchants vs southern planters, states rights vs a strong federal government are a couple

What are the six different types of interest groups?

Three types of interest groups are civil rights interest groups, religious groups, and economic interest groups. Additional types include ideological interest groups, single-issue groups, and government interest groups. There are thousands of interests groups in all.

Are interest groups good or bad?

Interest groups are good and bad. Good-- They give a stronger voice to people in government. Bad-- They have to much power in government. So that basically says it all about interest groups.

What is the basic for interest groups influence on government?

this dick

What level of government does a labor union attempt to influence policy?

The Federal governmentÊÊreceives pressure from labor union attempting to influence policy. Interest groups are form of labor unions who boycotts government on their policies.