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Interest groups the federal bureaucracy and Congress form the iron triangle.

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Q: Interest groups the federal bureaucracy and Congress make up the so-called?
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Interest groups the federal bureaucracy and Congress make up the so-called .?

Interest groups the federal bureaucracy and Congress form the iron triangle.

The term iron triangle has been used to describe?

The iron triangle refers to the complex relationship between interest groups, Congress, and the federal bureaucracy.

Who is more successful in getting the bureaucracy to do what it wants the president or congress?

The federal bureaucracy is under the direction of the President.

Which is not a function of the federal bureaucracy?

deciding which laws of congress are constitutional

Why do people seek help from members of congress?

because it is hard to deal with federal bureaucracy

What is basic jobs of the executive departments and agencies of the federal bureaucracy?

The federal bureaucracy is huge: roughly 2.6 million employees, plus many freelance contractors. Everybody in the bureaucracy works to administer the law. For the most part, the executive branch manages the federal bureaucracy. Although the executive branch controls the majority of the federal bureaucracy, the legislative and judiciary branches also have some influence. Congress, for example, controls the Library of Congress, the Congressional Research Service, and the Government Accountability Office, among other bureaucracies. Through its power of oversight, Congress also monitors the federal bureaucracy to make sure that it acts properly. The courts sometimes get involved in the bureaucracy when issues of law and constitutionality arise, such as when a civil service regulation is violated or if an agency oversteps its jurisdiction. There are five types of organizations in the federal bureaucracy: Cabinet departments Independent executive agencies Independent regulatory agencies Government corporations Presidential commissions

Who is the chief of the federal bureaucracy?

The president is the chief administrator of the federal bureaucracy.

Why is it important for the Federal Bureaucracy to be neutral with regard to partisan politics?

It is important for the federal bureacracy to be neutral with regard to partisan politics because the bureaucracy is expected to do what is in the best interest of the people and the country. Partisan politics gets in the way of that.

Two specific methods congress uses to exercise effective oversight of federal bureaucracy?

The first specific method of congressional oversight identified by the writer is the ability of Congress "to supply or deny funds based on their perception of the effectiveness of the bureaucracy." The second specific method of congressional oversight identified by the writer is the ability of Congress, through legislation, to control the jurisdiction of the bureaucracy (i.e. How "the bureaucracy performed it s job or what they were entitled to do.")

Who is the chief administrator of the federal bureaucracy?

The president is the chief administrator of the federal bureaucracy.

Who heads the federal bureaucracy?

The President of the United States is the chief of the federal bureaucracy. It is estimated that the federal bureaucracy employs approximately 3 million people.

What is the group of people appointed to help the president is called the?

federal bureaucracy