We the people of the united states in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, and insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defnse,promote the general welfare, and secure the the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our postarity, do ordain and establish this constatution, of the United States of America. That is how the Preamble goes, and the Preamble is the first part of the U.S. Constitution!
The Preamble. (:
The Philippines has a preamble that consists 75 words which makes it the longest preamble in the world.
the purposes of the constitution
The answer is Which of these is not part of the Preamble?
I preamble for the kids should not go to school
The Preamble. (:
The preamble
Domestic tranquility in the US preamble it means that when you are in high school you must go to the principals office and have sex everyday.
The word preamble means introduction. Words that are synonyms for preamble are prelude and preface. The word preamble is a noun.
The root word of preamble is "amble," which comes from the Latin word "ambulare" meaning "to walk" or "to go." The prefix "pre-" is added to indicate that the preamble comes before something else, like an introduction before a main text.
The opposite of preamble is postscript
The Philippines has a preamble that consists 75 words which makes it the longest preamble in the world.
the preamble is in what U.S document ?
The answer is Which of these is not part of the Preamble?