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7y ago

In 1776 there were 13 colonies and the Declaration of Independence was published and put on handbills. Most likely there were areas of the colonies that didn't see it at all. Many people lived on farms and were not in contact with many people beyond their area. Transportation and communications were spotty at the most. It wasn't like it is today where we have instant information about events.

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6y ago

In 1776 when the Declaration was written there were no “States”, but only 13 colonies. It was read aloud in the square in front of the Pennsylvania Stare House and then it was handed out as handbills. Since 90% of the colonies were farmers and many in rural areas or small communities it is possible that they didn’t hear of independence right away. News had to travel from person to person and some was published in larger cities.

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Q: How long did it take for the full text of declaration of independence to reach all of the states?
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What is the main idea of the section headed The Effects of the Declaration of Independence?

Congress moved quickly to write and adopt the Declaration of Independence.


Drafted by Thomas Jefferson between June 11 and June 28, 1776, the Declaration of Independence is at once the nation's most cherished symbol of liberty and Jefferson's most enduring monument. Here, in exalted and unforgettable phrases, Jefferson expressed the convictions in the minds and hearts of the American people. The political philosophy of the Declaration was not new; its ideals of individual liberty had already been expressed by John Locke and the Continental philosophers. What Jefferson did was to summarize this philosophy in "self-evident truths" and set forth a list of grievances against the King in order to justify before the world the breaking of ties between the colonies and the mother country. a paper that they singed

Is independence a universal human need?

thats funny i need the answer to this to!! #thestruggle

Who was the only active clergyman to sign the declaration of independence?

John Witherspoon of New Jersey was the only full-time minister. Lyman Hall of Virginia was also a minister but he was also a physician.

Who put the qoute in the Declaration of Independence 'These united colonies are and of right ought to be free and independent states'?

The phrase "are and of right ought to be..." was not in Jefferson's "rough" draft but was added by the Congress. To find the person (or persons) who recommended that phrase, you will need to do some research. Of the many books that examine the wording and the drafts of the Declaration of Independence and that might have a note about the author(s) of those words, three are easily available:--Pauline Maier, American Scripture: Making the Declaration of Independence--Gary Wills, Inventing America: Jefferson's Declaration of Independence--Carl Becker, Declaration of Independence: A Study in the History of Political IdeasUnfortunately, Jefferson's extensive notes about the history and the development of the Declaration do not mention the phrase or its origin.Here is another clue that might help you in your search. On March 18, 1766, the British Parliament issued the "Declaratory Act" ("An act for the better securing the dependency of his majesty's dominions in America upon the crown and parliament of Great Britain"), in which it was declared that "the said colonies and plantations in America have been, are, and of right ought to be, subordinate unto, and dependent upon the imperial crown and parliament of Great Britain; and that the King's majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons of Great Britain, in parliament assembled, (has), bath, and of right ought to have, full power and authority to make laws and statutes of sufficient force and validity to bind the colonies and people of America, subjects of the crown of Great Britain, in all cases whatsoever...." [emphasis added]Thus, England's own words and justification for keeping the colonies subordinate to her power and authority were turned against her when the colonies announced that "these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States...." Whether that happened by design or by coincidence, you may be able to discern after you have researched the issue.That's nice and all but...Richard Henry Lee originally said that.

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How long did it take for the full text the declaration of independence to reach all of the states?

Six months

How long did it take for the full text of the Declaration of Independence to reach all of the states?

Six months

What is the full name of the Declaration of Independence?

The Unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America. This is the new title given to the Declaration when it was printed for the second time.

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A paper full of "laws", that states certain things.Thomas Jefferson is the main writer.Declared in Congress. July 4, 1776.The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

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Yes, the British Monarchy. Read the United States Declaration of Independence for a full explaination.

What is the main idea of the section headed The Effects of the Declaration of Independence?

Congress moved quickly to write and adopt the Declaration of Independence.

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In the United States, the 4th of July is important because it is the day the nation declared its independence from the British Monarchy in 1776.

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The Philippines attained full independence from the United States on July 4, 1946, after years of struggle and resistance against colonial rule.