California has the hightest number of state represtentatives, 53 to be exact.
the mace is in the house of reps and when the government go to the senate they take it with them
Representatives serve in the US House of Representatives for terms of two years; there is not limit to the number of terms a representative can serve.
This means to have a two house legislative the us national government is (senate & house of reps) and how every state is except nebraska, where they have a unicameral, or one house system
You must be at least 25 years of age and live in the state that you represent.
Mr. Steele says 1.
There are 99 in the State House and 9 in the 111th US House.
Because each state's number of members in the house is based on that states population. In example the # of house reps in california will be more then the # of reps for the state of rhode island
The duties of the house of representitives are to watch over the state
House of reps
A two year term.
2 years
the house of reps is based on population of a state. the senate has two from each state
There are 2 House of Representatives, The senate has 2 / state.
This is the United States, where there is ot anything called the house of senate. There is a Senate which has 59 members, from each state. The other branch of congress is called the House of Representatives, and the number of reps in the House of Reps depends on the number that have been elected from each state district.