The US has 50 united states. The states are united because they work together.
Jeffrey: there is 50 states in united state not 50 united state
The United States has never had a President with the name of David.
United States comes first
To determine how many people and which races are present in the United States today
If by "america" you mean the United States of America, then there are no "provinces". However, there are states, which are similar in concept to provinces in other countries. There are fifty such states in the US.
The United States constitution was written for all the citizen of the United States.
There are 50 states in the United States.
There are 50 states in the United States of America. There are 31 states in the United States of Mexico.
There are 50 United States.
50 states together make the United States Of America.
50 nifty united states.
24 in the united states
There are 50 states in The United States of America.
united states
USA - United States of America For short US - United States
US Stands for United States. As in United States of America.
There are 174,582,564 banana's in the United States.
there are 3,000,000 in the united states