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If you are talking about how many planes they built to try to fly, well then that is 2. But they made much more airplanes for others afterwards.

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Q: How many airplanes did the wright brothers make?
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no. the wright brothers first plane did not suceed. it took many trys to make it "wright"

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Invention of the airplane?

There have been many variations of the airplane since the 9th century, but the most well known the Wright brothers' in 1903. There are now many types of airplanes, such as jets, passenger carriers, and military airplanes.

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They had a lot of failures!

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The Wright brothers built at least three gliders before the Wright Flyer. They built the gliders in 1900, 1901, and 1902. They incorporated in their design ideas from other pioneers of the time such as Augustus Herring, Otto Lilienthal, Octave Chanute, and George Cayley. Many gliders were built before the Wright brothers built their airplanes, but they were built by other pioneers.

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The Wright brothers did NOT build the first airplane. -Many others had built an flown airplanes for short distances before them, mostly ending in crashes. The Wrights fame came from building and flying the first practical, powered airplane

How did the Wright brothers build the first airplane?

The Wright brothers did NOT build the first airplane. -Many others had built an flown airplanes for short distances before them, mostly ending in crashes. The Wrights fame came from building and flying the first practical, powered airplane

How many flights did the wright brothers make the first day they flew?